London In Love

8:46 AM

Last weekend my boyfriend Daniel came to visit me in London :)
He is originally from Portsmouth, England. We first met when he studied abroad at MSU a year ago and its been happy days ever since!

Our hotel was in Peckham because we wanted to go as cheap as possible, but still, you know, clean. Peckham is a little urban area that reminds me quite a lot of Detroit (except less crime, no guns and basically just plain safer). In the midst of the urban landscape we were welcomed to the Peckham Lodge by a beautiful garden full of colorful flowers. Even though we didn't spend very much time in our hotel room, the stay was quite enjoyable and really just what we needed for the weekend.

Our first night out was spent at the Piccadilly Institute, a night club (with delicious food) right smack dab in the middle of Piccadilly Circus. The nightlife is always vibrant and the big lit-up screens remind me of Times Square. Once we arrived we met up with my flatmates and danced the night away.

My friends make a discreet appearance aka photo-bomb

Our first stop Saturday morning: The London Aquarium! I had been wanting to go ever since my last trip to London, which was a year ago and far too brief. We had a lovely stroll about the aquarium, learned a lot about sea creatures and even snagged a souvenir at the end!

Selfie with Dory

I call this our Promquarium photo 

The rest of the day we spent walking around London… the north bank, Piccadilly, Trafalgar Square and we popped into the National Gallery. It houses beautiful paintings with so much history; the place truly fascinates me.

What a cutie!

Sunday we wrapped up our amazing weekend with a delightful visit to Camden Town. The markets were hopping. We window shopped, ate some delicious food, and drank sangria. The nice thing is that you'll never go hungry when you're there. You could literally point to anywhere on a globe and you'll find that country's food in Camden. I had paella and Dan had kielbasa. So scrumptious! I love the energy in the markets. There are so many beautiful things to see, and some really nice and interesting people. I was particularly fond of the assortment of vintage shops. Camden is definitely one of my favorite places in London!

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