End of An Era

5:18 PM

It's official... I am no longer a student. Graduation was a whirlwind of emotions. I was surrounded by awesome friends and supportive family as I finally came to terms with the fact that college is over. I'm now ready to make that dreaded crossover into the real world. 

MSU was a crazy four and a half years of trying to figure out who I am, what mattered and what I wanted to do with my life. Some friends were made, a lot of friends were lost and a few friends - now family - stuck by my side through all of it. 

I started out as a journalism major and by the end of my sophomore year realized that journalism wasn't for me. The day I switched my major to Advertising and got into the Public Relations minor (then a specialization) I remember exactly where I was and how excited I was that I would be on the path to the career I truly wanted. My classes for the past two and half years made me fall in love with learning and being prepped for the PR world. 

East Lansing was a great home to me while I was there. Although there were times when I longed for more of a hustle-and-bustle kind of atmosphere, I would be lying if I said I wouldn't miss walking from class to class on campus in the fall or frolicking around the lit-up streets of the four blocks that made up the downtown area. The memories are precious and I'll never forget the privileged and advantageous college career I was able to have. 

A huge part of what made that time so successful was the never ending support of my parents. My entire family sat cheering me on from the stands at graduation just like they had done in so many other ways for the past few years when I needed them most. 

If you had told me at the beginning of my freshman year that after graduation I would be moving to Los Angeles to pursue a career in fashion PR, I would have probably fallen over from shock. But here I am now, living in LA, ready to make my dream come true. I am so excited for the next chapter. 

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for whatever happens next! 


Au revoir MSU

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