Not Your Basic Interview Tips - 10 Things I Learned From the NYC Professionals

6:28 PM

Over Spring Break I had the good fortune of getting an inside look at some of the top PR firms and brands in New York City. NYC, or as my dad calls it, The Big Apple ("Hey Jessie how's the Big Apple?!") is home to 8 million minds and bodies all chasing the same thing; their dreams. And the other week I got to be a part of a collective energy that really made me feel like I belong.

Wearing: Blazer - TopShop, Trousers - Nordstrom Collection

So, if you're like me and in love with the energy a big city has to offer, you're probably in the process of figuring out how in the world to get there. Graduation is approaching for many, which means the reality that we have all been dreading (or counting down the days until?) - getting a real job! It's no surprise at this point that this means a boatload of job interviews await us. But this time it's different. We're no longer waiting for the perfect unpaid opportunity to get a taste of some real-world experience. This is the real world experience - the full package - that means we've made it.

Here I've gathered some tips, tricks and general advice from the NYC PR industry's leading professionals on how to get the job - and keep it.

#1 Presence is Everything
Employers start evaluating you from the moment you walk into the room. You want to come across as poised and professional, but also memorable. Start thinking of ways to make yourself stand out! 

#2 Be Honest
This goes without saying, but honesty is your best friend. You should be prepared to be asked about everything you put on your résumé. You never want to be in a situation where you can't back up what you've written down. 

#3 Build Rapport
Try viewing the interview as a conversation! Making connections is what the PR world is all about. Once the conversation starts flowing, it should be easy to make a memorable impression.

#4 Sell Yourself - Without Being Asked
Part of being a good conversationalist is incorporating all of your key messages into the conversation without being prompted. Get all of your key messages in order and start practicing your anecdotes now!

#5 Be Willing To Go the Extra Mile 
E.J. Samson at Esquire Magazine says that as a boss, he is always looking for someone that will make his job easier. That's all an employer is really looking for. The reason they're interviewing you is because they like you and there is an open space on their team. It's up to you to prove that you're the best candidate for the team by showing that you are willing to work harder than anyone else. 

#6 Humility
Although you're obviously the best for the job and you know it, you want to show your interviewer that you have the potential to be a team player, which involves a courteous attitude when it comes to work. 

#7 "What Do You Consume?" 
According to a panel from Edelman, each employee was asked this important question during their interviews. Being able to communicate the type of media you're interested in and spark an engaging conversation about it is a sure way to get yourself hired.

#8 Know Your Experience - Provide Examples
Your résumé can only do so much for you. Try to pinpoint each main topic on your résumé and discuss a different skill related to each one. Focus on being specific but concise so that you can paint an appealing picture for your interviewer.

#9 Prepare Your Questions - Do the Research
Every interviewee should know this one; having questions prepared at the end of your interview will either make you or break you. From the professionals at Grey Group: have smart, research-savvy questions ready.  Questions about how the interviewer procured their current position are also good. Larry Swyer from MediaCom suggests preparing at least 5 questions, and even some back-ups just in case your questions are answered during the interview. 

#10 Show Confidence! 
Most importantly, your interviewer wants to see that you are excited about this opportunity. Demonstrate a positive attitude toward all of your past experience, show confidence in your ability to do the job and, of course, show passion for the company and the work that they are doing. If you plan to be working at this company, you should be thrilled and sure about it!

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