Italian Holiday Pt. 1: Rome

6:37 PM

I must start by apologizing for the delay in this post, as it has been a month since my holiday. I won't bore you with excuses, but think about it: Transitioning back to America from a whirlwind adventure in Europe? Takes a toll on a girl. I like to think of it as reverse culture shock...

In a word Italy was bellisimo!

We began our adventure in Rome, where grand structures and ancient history reigns supreme. Though the area is crowded with tourists, the beauty of the city is undeniable. Venturing throughout the backstreets of Rome with the hot sun glowing on our backs was the ultimate spirit lifter. Adventure awaited us around every corner. We saw the Colosseum, the Pantheon, The Vatican, Circus Maximus and Piazza Navona. Even more appreciative we were of the hidden but equally beautiful treasures placed throughout the historic city. It goes without saying that Rome is a city of ancient wonder, defined by its grand architecture and cobblestone landscape. Being in Rome felt like we were time traveling to an era where everything is romantic and anything is possible.

To our dismay, the Trevi Fountain was closed for cleaning. But we did discover a hidden treasure called Dell'Acqua Paola. After a near-twenty minute trek on the uphill backstreets, we found it. Cool streaming water flowed from the largest fountain I had ever seen. Across from the fountain was a breathtaking view. Our twenty minutes trek? So worth it!

The Colosseum! 

The Pantheon

The Vatican

Piazza Navona 

Dell 'Acqua Paola 

View of the city from Dell 'Acqua Paola 

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